More than an electric vehicle

E-mobility is much more than an electric car and providing e-mobility solutions goes far beyond building electric cars. It requires a shift in the thinking of an automotive manufacturer, which is why we use an e-mobility readiness model, which was developed specifically for that purpose. It integrates future requirements from practice and science as well as it considers the existing status quo of car manufacturers in order to allow a pragmatic and feasible approach.

Industry example: E-mobility readiness analysis

The e-mobility readiness analysis allows to compare maturity and importance from an internal and customer’s point of view. It highlights the main areas of improvement and reveals not only the gaps but also the priorities of certain aspects. The key benefit of our approach is to mirror internal and customers’ opinions in order to form a consolidated result.
The analysis is flexible in its granularity and also shows the differences between different countries and organisational entities. The picture below shows one summary of the differences between the internal (aggregation of HQ and NSC analysis) and the customers’ opinions.

Internal view:


Customer view: