Sales development

Currently the term “customer centricity” and the need for an organisation to become “customer centric” is frequently used. However, customer centricity per se is not the solution for all organisations. It shall not be confused with necessary ground work needed with customers. In our opinion the key aspect of sales development is the question what actions and activities to reward and how. Despite a multitude of ideas what could be done, many companies struggle to go forward with any changes in that area.

Market research and customer surveys

The key to success is a solid understanding of the market and customers and in our approach to market and customer studies we consider quality more valuable than quantity. We often do customer surveys, and following our collaborative approach the questionnaires and evaluation methods are designed together with the customer with a particular attention to the purpose and desired outcome. We also analyse social media in order to have an instant snapshot of the current trends and tendencies.

Customer segmentation and sales potential models

The challenge of a useful segmentation is that it needs to be specific for a certain purpose, yet it should be practical and pragmatic in order to be followed. Often a segmentation is done in minute detail only to be neglected in daily operations. The challenge between detail and usefulness can only be solved on an individual base and is different for each single organisation. As a rule of thumb, only as many customer segments should be defined as can be addressed specifically with a marketing or sales measure. The market and customer analyses help us to define those segments. Based on a pragmatic segmentation we then develop a sales potential model and an action plan for the sales organisation.

Goal setting and KPI definitions

Organisational goals are much more than sales targets and concern the organisation as a whole, the teams and also individuals. In sales organisations, traditionally the sales volumes are the dominant and defining number, however in order to direct an organisation and its individuals, goals need to be tangible and achievable and specific for the desired purpose, otherwise one can question their relevance. The challenge here is to align individual and corporate goals in order to achieve the organisational strategy and to potentially redefine current organisational KPI to match the strategic and operational objectives.